
Monday, December 28, 2009

Mojo Monday 119 -- CCS13 & Cute Card Thursday

Wow! 2009 sure went quick!!! I can't believe it's already down to the last 3 days of December. In honor of sending out the year with a bang...Today's Mojo Monday card is a New Year's celebration card. You can check out Mojo Monday HERE. And I recently came across A Fairy Creative site with some great challenges to get the creative mind gears moving -- this week's challenge was to use your favorite embellishments. Oh, I just LOVE embellishments, my favorites being anything sparkle, but I love embossing, and using my punches too, and even adding extra little dangling things...ooooh, too-too hard to pick just one favorite. So, this card uses a few of them. :) ...And Cute Card Thursday has a challenge for a New Year's Card. So...on to the card let's send 2009 off with lots of fireworks and bring in the creative 2010 :) (the links to all challenges are over on the left a little ways down)

As a crafter, I tend to save things I think I will be able to use at a later that's where the champagne bubble flute comes it...I don't remember where I picked these up, but I had a few left. What better time to use one, than to "Cheer" in the new year! :) I also used some tinfoil to get some glitz going in the background as well as a small snowflake charm I had "hanging" around.

For today's card I used 2nd generation stamping and aging with a piece of paper towel on the multi-text area in the circle underneath the Glittered "Happy New Year".

The embossing was all done with the Cuttle bug using only 2 embossing folders, but then sponging the edges of the pieces for more texture.

I put my Cricut to use to make the scalloped edges layer and the circles layers.

Here is a close up detail of the snowflake charm...

...and a close-up detail of the tag (created from the CTMH stamp set)

Getting ready to run off to the next activity, so if I've forgotten something just request in the comment section and I'll post as soon as I get back. Thanks! ♥

Cuttle Bug Embossing Folders Ice Crystals and Snowflakes
Close to My Heart Tulip CS (x5753)
Close to My Heart Moonstruck CS (1293)
Close to My Heart Grey Wool CS (5571)
Tin Foil
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Outdoor Denim Stamp Pad (z2140)
Punch around the page Topiary (for the decorative frills above Champagne glass)
Heat & Stick Powder (Stampin' Up!)
Red Glitter
Snowflake charm
Silver stretch cording

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Last Christmas Card

I waited to post this card since it's the one I made for my daughter for Christmas day, then things were so busy I never had a chance to get on the computer, LOL. So, now it's late, sorry =( ...but maybe you can use the idea for another holiday or even for next year.

It's a square card with half circle flaps that fold in from all four sides. I created the shape using the Cricut Design Studio, but you could probably do the same by creating a square and then using a circle template on each of the four sides to create the half circles.

I ran two of the side flaps through the Cuttle Bug using the Snowflake embossing folder. I also used the Winter saying embossing folder for the inside on an iridescent Mylar.

The trees are from the Cricut Winter Collection using the layers and cutting off the top loop, then sprinkling with mica chips for snow effect.

The penguin is from Close to My Heart Winter Fun stamp set (C1330), which I used VersaMark ink and then embossed in black before using the water color pen to color the beak, feet, scarf and hat.

When I finished I mounted the whole card on a square piece of Colonial white to off-set all the blue when the card is in the closed position. The trees and the penguin are what make it so the card can stand on its own.

Here's a picture of the inside view; the Mylar looks really neat in person.

Here are a couple more views one from the side of the trees and one from the side of the penguin.

Hope you have fun making your own!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Sending the Advent Calendar on the Road - Final Day

We have reached the final day of sending cards off to my daughter for her to open each day in place of the Advent Calendar.

You may recognize the card, as I actually posted it a couple days ago for Mojo Monday Challenge; if you click on the card it will bring you to the Mojo Monday post with the Card Recipe aka Supplies and Directions.

I knew it would be a crazy busy morning with trying to get ready to run off to get we will be on the road to Pennsylvania State University today. Her last final is at 2 and ends at 4:30 so to make sure we get her packed up and ready to leave as soon as the final is done we are heading up early so that we can get it all done before she heads off to that last final. What to do for the 2-plus hours while we wait...hmmmmm....could read...or hey it's Christmas -- shopping! LOL.

Hope you all have enjoyed following along and maybe even picked up a few ideas for a card of your own.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sending the Advent Calendar on the Road - Day 17 & Just Buggin' Challenge #17 -Inky Fingers

This tri-fold card is brought to you by Cricut...LOL, naaahhh, by me, but Cricut was a big help. I just LOVE the center cut feature. Ever since I discovered that and how to use it, it's been soooooo amazing. Hey, I even pulled out some of my old wooden stamps for can't get them anymore, but I love my stamps and can't part with them, LOL. (you can find the link to Just Buggin' Blog over to the left)

(Scanner does a nice job of capturing the overall card, but it does not do justice to the sparkles)

Well, can't believe I'm up to day 17 only one more card to go, whew....feels like a whirl wind of a couple weeks, hahahaa... So, now off to the actual card. I did need a few extra photos to actually show this card with all the different folds...the pictures from the scanner leave the sparkles flat and the actual camera photos make sparkles SPARKLE, but somewhat seem to change the colors! I'm still working on the lighting issues, someday I'll figure it out, LOL. :)

Soooo, are you ready for the long list of supplies and directions?

Cricut Cartridges:
♦ Georges and Basic Shapes for opening in card face (pg 101) and creating oval (pg 114) template
♦ Snow Friends for snowman
♦ When it's Cold Outside 2009-2010 for snowflake
Close to My Heart Card Stock: Indian Corn Blue, White Daisy, Holiday Red
Cereal box, hahaha, yes -- I'm a recycler and this makes great chipboard....heeheehee
Stem from a large leaf -- gotta love nature!
Large red jewel
Red satin ribbon
Cotton Ball
Close to My Heart Winter stamp set (D1040) - believe and snowmen
Close to My Heart Frosty Friends stamp set (D1073) -- Snow family and snowflakes
Peachy Keen Stamps PK-520 Winter Face Assortment Pkg - for the face (of course, LOL)
Judi♥Kins 2203J Swirls (wood mount) Large background stamp
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Ink pads: White Daisy, Outdoor Denim, & black
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Markers: Orange and Outdoor Denim
Liquid Glue
White Acrylic Paint and wide brush or sponge applicator
Dauber Duo sponge
Stipple Brush
Martha Stewart Blue Topaz fine glitter
Martha Stewart Snowflakes
Glue dots

• Card base from Indian Corn blue cut 4" off one side of a 12"x12" to make an 8"x12" piece, then cut an 1/8" off the 12" side. The First fold will be at 3-3/4" and the second one at 4" -- you will have 3 sections. The shortest section (the 3-3/4") will be the inside flap, the larger section the 4-1/8" is the outer part of the card and the part you will be CUTTING next.
• On the Cricut with the Georges cartridge in, find the desired shape -- figure out where the center of the space is on your card, and where you want your opening located --- then make sure you press the CENTER button on the cricut... set aside for now.
• Time for cereal -- Not! LOL... Get that cereal box and put it to some good use, cut it about 5"x5" lots bigger than you need and place inside surface UP on the Cricut cutting mat.
• Now use the Cricut "When it's Cold Outside" cartridge to cut the chosen snowflake.
• Paint entire surface with the White acrylic, while it's drying you have plenty more to do....
• Back to the Cricut - Cut out desired snow man and various accessories
• I wanted my hat and vest to have some decoration, which is where I used my old wooden background stamp -- you can leave yours plain if you like.
• Stamp the snowman's face (black) using the Cricut lines as a guide -- the straight line is where I put the mouth. Color in nose (orange).
• Put your snowman together using a good strong adhesive (I used my ATG) - don't put his arms on just yet, but do glue his hands to the leaf stem so they can be drying
• Use the Blue Denim ink to lightly sponge the edge and bottom of the snowman -- I just did the right side to give him a little shadow and some depth dimension
• Free hand cut a pile of snow, sponge the edge, giving a little more ink to some ares to create depth. Use your finger to spread some liquid glue around on the surface and then apply the snow flakes, let dry while you add pop-dots to the back of the snowman and apply his arms with plain ole scotch tape (no one will see). Turn him over and add cotton to top of hat and brim if desired. Let dry
• While snow man is drying check to see if snowflake is dry - if so, sponge the edges (inside and out) with the Denim Blue (you may not see this after you add the glitter, but glitter does tend to fall off during shipping or use, so it's better to have the snowflake still finished once this starts happening -- actually it looks pretty good without the glitter and if you're not a glitter nut like me you can just leave it plain, LOL) -- apply glue with a sponge applicator or just smear around with your finger both are good. :) Add glitter and let dry -- it won't take too long. Add a pop dot to the back, and then add your Jewel to the center (or not if you decided not to go with glitter) using the white glue. Let it dry while you move on to the next part of the card.

• Use the Cricut to create an oval stencil for making the shadowy white space to stamp "believe". I cut my oval at 2" -- see what works for you. Make sure you cut it with lots of border around the edges so when you stencil you stay within the area and don't have shadows outside where you want them.
• figure out your placement of the "believe" then use your stencil and Daisy White with the Stipple brush to stipple the area. Heavier towards the outer edges of the oval and fading to less and then none in the center.
• Stamp "Believe" first in Daisy white (to create a snowcap), clean your stamp then stamp again using the Denim -- great thing about the CTMH My Acrylics - You can SEE right where to place your image (move the second one just slightly down or up and over a bit so you create a shadow to make it look like snow sitting on the word) add ellipses with the Denim Marker. Now on to the inside first flap...
• With the card folded, find the first flap you will see when the card is opened. At the bottom, stamp: snowmen in Denim. Then, using the Denim marker create 3 more ellipses and add the word "in" just above Snowmen.
• Stamp the Snowflakes first in Denim, then in White to create a muted soft look - in upper corner.
• Add Ribbon around Snowman's neck for a scarf.

• Put snowman in position -- matching hat to open area, so you can't tell if it's Santa or ehem...the snowman, LOL.
• Put the Snowflake on front, just by window.

Write a nice message in side and send it off with lots of hugs!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sending the Advent Calendar on the Road - Day 16

The little penguins in this card are having "snow" much fun sledding down the hill...they're doing a real stand-up act on this easel card, hahaha.

Easel cards are a neat way to get a little more mileage from your card by using part of the inside to help support the outside picture. I love ♥ the way they are 3-dimensional in a unique way, but on this card, I even made my snow & penguins 3-dimensional for a little additional pop-up on this card.

Only two more cards and days until I leave to Pick up my daughter or do you say one day?'s definitely 2 more until we see her, but there is only 1 day in between, LOL. ...Whichever -- so the 18th will be here, and I will be on a long-long drive there and then back again in the same day.

Supplies & Directions
♥ Close to My Heart Daisy White CS (1385) --to create card base, card front, penguins, and pop-up snow: 4" x 8"; score and crease in center and then choose one side and score and crease in the center of that section. Cut 2nd piece to 4"x4" and mount to bottom portion of front -- this is the part you folded the 2nd time.
♥ Close to My Heart Indian Corn Blue CS (1284) -- for background 4"x3"
♥ Close to My Heart Winter Fun Stamp Set (C1330)
♥ Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Moonstruck Ink Pad (z2134) - "Winter is *Snow* Much Fun"
♥ VersaMark Ink Pad
♥ Embossing pen
♥ Embossing Powder Disco Black by Stamp-n-stuff
♥ Embossing Powder Snowflake Tinsel by PSE (Personal Stamp Exchange)
♥ Cuttle Bug Embossing Folder "Snowflakes"
♥ Snowflake brad
♥ Close to My Heart Daisy White bitty brad from Brad Assortments -- Essential (z1219)
♥ Dimensionals or pop-dots (foreground snow and penguins)
♥ Chalk - blue
♥ Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Markers: Orange (z2338) beaks and feet, Holiday Red (z2327) hat & scarf if you don't use ribbon, Dutch Blue (z2319) and Star Spangled Blue (z2349) hat, scarf and puffs of snow detail with shadows using both blues
♥ 6" Red satin ribbon 1/8" wide for penguin's scarf -- or you can just use the scarf you stamp
♥ Piercing tool set (make a hole for snowflake and bitty brads)

♥ Emboss CTMH Indian Corn Blue with the snowflakes and mount on top portion of front of card.
♥ Pierce the center of one of the snowflakes and add the snowflake brad.
♥ Cut 4"x3" piece of Daisy White into shape of snow banks and hills, draw little tufts of snow randomly with the blue markers, next highlight with blue chalk, and then stamp saying. For extra on sparkle use the embossing pen to go over a couple of the bumps and then use the snowflake tinsel; use pop-dots to pop from bottom portion of front of card
♥ Stamp Penguin image with VersaMark, apply the Disco Black and heat emboss.
♥ Use the embossing pen to color in faces (except eyes) and bellies of penguins, sprinkle with snowflake embossing powder and heat again.
♥ Finish coloring in the penguins and cut out
♥ Add ribbon around neck of 2nd penguin
♥ Adhere plenty of pop-dots and place penguins wher ethey look good on the hill
♥ Stand up card how you want it to look, then make a place in the center for the brad.
♥ Pierce hold for brad, insert brad and card will now stand using the brad to keep it from slipping

Have a great day. Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Mojo Monday 117 - Gear Up For Christmas

As you may know from reading Sunday's blog, I just found Mojo Monday a few days ago and now it's Monday again -- Already!!! The link for the blog is over on the left a little ways down.

Also from hopping around on other blogs I came across the Forever Friends Challenge. It was an anything goes challenge which you can find here: Photobucket

Today's card is more masculine, hence no sparkles, LOL. :)

5" x6.6" card base
Close to My Heart Stamp Sets:
♦ Tool Time (c1314) - hammer, saw, and screwdriver
♦ Holiday Trinkets (D1366) - Christmas
♦ Gear Up (C1353) - Gears and gear up
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks:
♦ Clover Meadow Marker
♦ Clover Meadow Ink Pad
♦ Twilight Ink Pad
Close to My Heart Tinkerin' Paper Packet Level 2 (x7113B)
ShrinkyDinks - Frosted
Silver cording
Screw top brads
Threading Water Border punch

You can visit Mojo Monday and check out their site and current challenge via their link over there on the left column towards the bottom. :)

Sending the Advent Calendar on the Road - Day 15

Ohhhh, such a busy, busy schedule today...had to do a quick-quick card. Gotta take care of some car stuff for when my daughter comes home in a few days and a bunch of other errands. Thankfully Cricut was willing to help out. :)

The season is full of joy, and joy is on its way home in a couple of days in the form of my daughter... :) So, today's card is a JOYful Ornament, which is quick and easy. Sorry about the sparkles not showing....trying to be quick and did it on the scanner; does look better in person, LOL.

Supplies & Directions
• Cardstock to create a 5.25"x5.25" card base
• 5.25" x 5.25" Close to My Heart Back Country Paper Level 2 -- use the blue side of the wood grain; distress all four edges.
• 5"x5" Green CS (some green I had left over) -- distress 3 edges after edge punching one edge with the
• Threading Waters edge punch, then glue the green CS to the Back Country paper
• Us the Cricut Wild Card Cartridge to cut 2 sizes of the ornament (pg 74) from the LINER version of the card (one at 4.5" and one at 4") then sponge edges filling in pretty close to center with...
• Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Moonstruck Ink Pad
• Glue white grosgrain ribbon to the upper back side of the ornament and then glue ornament to the greed CS set.
• Next, glue the lose end of the ribbon to the back of the set and then glue entire set to card face.
• Stamp message with Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Moonstruck Ink Pad.
• I mixed blue glitter with snowflake tinsel embossing powder to add a bit more than white for color.

All done...see that was quick. Gotta run -- see you tomorrow for day 16.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mojo Monday 116

This is my first ever Mojo Monday. I just happened upon it this week when I was visiting some blogs from FaceBook, and one of them mentioned Mojo Monday. What a neat idea!

Here is my try at it....

I created this card with my daughter in mind. She is away at college and getting ready for her finals (all this week). She loves penguins and loves to ski. She asked if we would take her skiing when she is home on break. So, I thought this little skiing penguin from CTMH would be perfect. I've been making her a different card every day since the 1st of December because she is missing the advent calendar at home. It has been fun making a new card a day and this was a neat kind of fun because it was like having a little help thinking of it with the pattern already there to get me started. Since I am making this also for my daughter I will not be posting the regular Advent Calendar Card Away At College that I've been posting.

Close to My Heart Aspen Paper packet Level 2 (x7103B)
Close to My Heart December Word Puzzle stamp set (D1313) - sentiment
Close to My Heart Winter Fun (C1330) - Penguin
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Outdoor Denim stamp pad (z2140)
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Dutch Blue marker (z2319)
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Orange marker (z2338)
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Honey marker (z2362)
Close to My Heart Colonial White grosgrain ribbon (from the colonial collection z1126)
VersaMark Ink Pad (z891)
Cuttle Bug Embossing Folder Snowflakes
Pop dots or some kind of dimensional
Stampendous Kaleidoscope Transparent Embossing Powder

You can find the template and the contest here:

Mojo Monday Blinkie.

Sending the Advent Calendar on the Road - Day 14

Well, yesterday (Friday, 11 December) was the last day for PSU regular classes, so next week all week is finals week. My daughter's last final ends at 4:30 next Friday --- way to have the very last final, LOL...poor kid -- all her friends will already be gone home when she is still there taking that last final.

As you know these cards are running ahead of schedule by 2 days to account for we will finish the cards a couple days before she actually finishes classes, just in case any of you are following along and creating your own cards.

So here ya' go on to today's card...Sexy Santa all done with her shopping!

(hard to see the detail with a scanned picture, but the ornament has little diamond sparkle chips and is done in liquid glass, also the fur trim on the girl's dress all glitter)

Today for some reason I went a little pink, heehee... Just pulling out and using up some of my old stash....hmmmm some of it I wonder what I was thinking when I bought it, LOL. I'm glad to finally have my papers organized so that I can actually find them. It makes it much easier to use them up. The more I use the old stuff the more I see why other CTMH consultants are purists on the Close to My Heart Products. Wow! You sure can't beat the quality. I like some of the designs of my older stuff, but then they don't seem as "rich" in color as the CTMH stuff and so I end up using CTMH papers instead of using up my miscellaneous supplies, LOL. Today, I did actually use some other papers mixed in with the CTMH stuff. :) You'll have to click on the image to make it bigger to actually see the glitter effects and the liquid glass...neither show up in the small size.

Mostly papers I have around don't know colors or names, sorry
CTMH Jingle Paper Level 2
Close to My Heart Holiday Jingle Stamp Set (C1371) - HoHoHo saying
Close to My Heart Ms. Holiday Cheer (D1374) - for the Shopping gal, this is one of my favorites released this fall
Threading Water edge punch
Close to My Heart Colonial White grosgrain ribbon
White glitter chips (Martha Stewart)
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Holiday Red Stamp Pad
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Black Stamp Pad
Liquid Glass (one of my all time favorite things to do to create dimension in scrapbooking)
Pop Dots

◘ Stamp girl, color with chalk, cut out, apply glue with small paint brush add glitter; let dry
◘ Stamp HoHoHo (on CS sponged with the Holiday Red ink around edges and attached to darker CS) and add sparkles to the dots on the ornament, let dry
◘ Edge punch a 1" piece of coordinating paper
◘ Glue main color over entire card base and add a the punched piece
◘ Attach ribbon to the Jingle paper and then glue in the center of the card base
◘ Add the girl with pop dots
◘ Attach the HoHoHo, apply liquid glass

Send off with lots of hugs! :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Sending the Advent Calendar on the Road - Day 13

Today I started in one direction and didn't like how the card was turning as I was moving things around and trying to achieve a specific look, I realized if I remove a card stock here and add an extra wide ribbon there...well, that's all it took to get the card rolling in the right direction.

Sometimes these things come to me as I'm making them. Sometimes they are inspired by another card I've seen or sometimes like today...I think I'm going to do a specific thing, only it turns out it doesn't look the way I thought it should, and I have to make some changes to get back on the right track.

So, on to today's card...

5.5"x6" card base
4.5" x 4.5" Close to My Heart Holiday Red CS (1274)
4.25" x 4.25" Close to My Heart Colonial White CS (1388)
Wide wired seasonal ribbon, edges folded under to match the width of the card
21" of grosgrain ribbon, cut in to three 7" sections
Close to My Heart Holiday Commentary Stamp Set (C1379) - Christmas
Close to My Heart Rustic Flowers Stamp Set (D1186) - large pattern & open flower
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Holiday Red Ink Pad (z2127)
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Sunflower Ink Pad (z2150)
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks White Daisy Ink Pad (z2163)
Close to My Heart Edge Distresser (z1297)
Chalks - medium green
Zots glue Dots
Terrifically Tacky Tape
small clear sparkle

♥ Glue the Wide ribbon to the top edge or the far right edge of the card using the Terrifically Tacky Tape (this is great for mounting unlike surfaces)
♥ Distress the edges of both the Red and White CS
♥ Stamp the large decorative background with the Sunflower Yellow onto the Colonial White, let dry
♥ Stamp the Large loopy flower on the velum with the White Daisy ink; when dry, cut out around the flower just outside of the inked area (you may have to leave sit for a bit or use a heat tool to speed the process)
♥ Using the medium green chalk, chalk over the yellow you stamped on the Colonial White CS earlier, fuzzing out the edges a bit
♥ Use a glue dot to adhere the button to the flower and another glue dot or two to adhere the flower to the center of the stamped CS.
♥ Stamp Christmas towards the bottom
♥ Glue set to card base
♥ Tie all three ribbon pieces together in one large knot and adhere to card with glue dots
♥ Glue small sparkle to the dot on the "i" in Christmas


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sending the Advent Calendar on the Road - Day 12

Shake, shake --- shake your snowman....LOL. Today I made a shaker card. Lots of fun to play with. Shake this way - shake that way...shaka-shaka, watch the snow falla. :) A bit more difficult to actually see the shaky part in a still photograph. Soooooo, scroll to the bottom for a little video clip of the shaking part.

(Ooooh, so bummer....I had the directions all typed up and FireFox crashed before I could save and grrrr...they are all gone., let me know if it's missing stuff because on the repeat I may have thought I did it, but it didn't get back in...sorry.)

Close to My Heart Daisy White CS (1385)
Close to My Heart Key Lime CS (1235)
Close to My Heart Merry Pursuits Stamp Set (B1313) -- Build a snowman elf
Close to My Heart Holiday Trinkets Stamp Set(D1366) -- Snowflakes, trees, dots, & message
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Markers: Citrus Leaf (z2312), Bamboo (z2303), Holiday Red (z2327)
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks: Clover Meadow Ink Pad and Black Ink Pad
VersaMark Stamp Pad
Zig Embossing Pen (Z724)
Embossing heat tool
Embossing Powders: snowflake glitter and clear
Chunky Glitter
Grosgrain ribbon
ProvCraft Terrifically Tacky Tape (1/8")
Cricut Cartridge: Wild Card
liquid glue

♦ With the Wild Card cartridge in the Cricut, cut out the Birthday card (page 40) at 8.25" (you will need a 10" x 11" card stock)
♦ Use the Clover Meadow Ink to stamp the dots just under the window, the trees towards the bottom of the card, and the message inside the card.
♦ Cut the White Daisy CS 1/8" bigger than the opening. Stamp the Elf/snowman (line it up in the window to make sure you don't have any open edges showing; all you should see is the white from the image CS, not the green from the inside of the card) -- color in desired colors.
♦ Cut Transparency about 1/8" bigger than the opening. Line up with opening making sure it completely covers the opening, use a small piece of tape on one edge to hold in place for the next step; the tape is not staying.
♦ Using the VersaMark and the small snowflakes -- randomly stamp the snowflakes on the top part of the card letting a couple hit the transparency. Sprinkle with the snowflake glitter. Now remove the transparency from the card being careful not to touch the embossing powder -- you will need to heat emboss separate from the card as the card will tolerate more heat. Heat emboss the card, then holding the heat tool at a distance and moving often heat the transparency. If it warps, turn it over and heat a little more to help it reshape or while it's still warm press under some heavy books.
♦ Match the edges of the transparency to the window area and the overlapped stamped snowflakes. Use the Terrifically tacky Tape on the FRONT to hold in place (the best stuff to use for this).
♦ Now place a small amount of chunky glitter in the center.
♦ Put the Terrifically Tacky Tape on the FRONT of the CS with the image on it; line up your edges, and make sure your image looks the way you want, and then seal in place.
♦ Decorate the trees with the sparkles/glitz and add a bow -- Shake-away!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sending the Advent Calendar on the Road - Day 11

I can't believe I'm already up to day 11 of creating cards to send to my daughter. Yikes! The month is sure going fast.

Today's card takes a bit more time if you are creating along with me. It's a split open card, like double doors opening, so you cannot use a standard card base you will need to make your own for this one.

I don't think the pictures do it justice -- as with many things that glitter or sparkle it's so much prettier in person than what the camera or scanner can capture (well at least with the equipment I currently have, LOL). The scanner just plain failed this time around, LOL...I had to resort to the camera and downloading...hahaahaa. :)

Can you believe I only used one stamp set this time? I know. Amazing, isn't it?

Here I am listening to the newest Green Day and typing quickly away in hopes that the supplies and directions don't take me longer to put together than the card, LOL...(so many of the other cards were quicker than compiling the information,hahahaha). ...but, I guess ---- I should get to the point...

Close to My Heart CS:
Holiday Red (1274)
• Colonial White (1388)
• Daisy White (1385)

Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks:
Ponderosa Pine Ink Pad (z2145)
• Holiday Red Ink Pad (z2127)

Close to My Heart Holiday Warmth Stamp Set (D1376)
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Markers:
• Citrus Leaf (z2312)
• Clover Meadow (z2313)
• Star Spangled Blue (z2349)
• Crystal Blue (z2317)
• Petal (z2361)
• White Daisy (z2359 -- to tone down the color of the petal on the present)
• Holiday Red (z2327)
• Watermelon (z2358)

Embossing Pen by EK Success (CTMH product number z724)
VersaMark (CTMH product number z891)
Sparkles or jewels
Martha Steward Peridot green/gold shimmers (beware verrrrrrry static-y more than glitter or embossing powders)
Translucent Embossing powder (for the bow on the blue package, you'll need to look close in the picture because it's hard to tell...again, it looks better in person)
Star brad
Silver Stickels
Heat tool
Pop Dots
Liquid Glue
Sponge applicator if you don't want to use your fingers

• Cut Holiday Red CS to 10" x 6.5" -- mark, score and fold on 2.5" from edge on each side (giving you a 5" center, with two flaps) - Strengthen the creases making sure they are very tight (or the card will just keep fighting to stay open)
• Cut Colonial White CS to 4.5" x 6.25", use Holiday Red and sponge to sponge the 4 sides.
• Stamp the tree in the center of the Colonial White/Holiday Red piece of CS, color with the Clover Meadow, don't worry about being perfect, it won't show much. It's just to keep any white from showing later -- cut in half (2.5") when finished coloring.
• Stamp chosen sentiment inside of card.
• On a scrap piece of Daisy White use the VersaMark and stamp the dove, let set while you ....
• Take a scrap piece of Colonial White stamp the two different presents and color with your markers. Use your embossing pen to go over the ribbon on the blue package and add the translucent embossing power and heat. Then carefully cut out (I used an exact-o knife to cut the bow openings before cutting the packages from the main part of the CS. Put pop-dots on the back of the packages.
• Now back to the dove. Use the light or medium blue chalk and lightly go over the area where the dove is hiding -- it will magically appear. Cut out and put a pop-dot on the back.
• Apply stickles to the star brad set aside to dry.
• Apply adhesive to the back of the tree pieces you cut earlier, carefully match the center of one edge to the center of one of the flaps. Once that is done you need to carefully match up the tree pieces.
• Put sparkles on the ornaments and randomly on the tree where you want.
• Now for some fun and a little tricky stickiness... Open card up flat and turn over so you have one half of the tree to work with - apply liquid glue and make sure you cover the entire tree (use a sponge applicator or artist brush to get to all the areas) being careful around the sparkles. Apply the Green/gold sprinkles. Repeat for other side.
• Apply presents and Dove
• Flatten star brad and carefully push one side between the two layers of CS at the top where the star is, use the other side to help keep the card closed.

Whew! alllllll done.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sending the Advent Calendar on the Road - Day 10

Today's Card is another quick to make card.

Close to My Heart Chillin' Stamp Set (D1228)
Close to My Heart Snowflake Kisses Stamp Set (C1327)
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Ink Pads: Vanilla Cream (Z2169) & Grey Flannel (z2124)
3.75" x 3.75" Close to My Heart Dutch Blue CS (1241)
4.25" x 8.5" Ponderosa Pine CS (1276) -- fold in half making a 4.25" x 4.25" card base
4" x 3" White Daisy CS (1385)
Artist/decorating Chalks - Use the darkest blue in the set
Zots Glue Dots
Pop Dots / Dimensionals
6" Grosgrain Ribbon
Paper Pierce Punch set (tool and pad)
corner rounder

Use corner rounder to round all 4 corners of the Dutch Blue square CS. Then, use your ruler, piercing tool and pad to pierce at 1/8" increments all the way around the Dutch Blue Square.

Next, you need to Chalk-pop the snow flakes -- randomly stamp some snowflakes using the Vanilla Cream (you can also use the VersaMark or White Daisy, because all 3 are pigment based and great for chalk-popping). Let dry while stamping the Polar Bear with Grey Flannel Ink and then color the scarf and other areas of the Polar Bear. To create the blue on blue look, use darkest blue in circular motion over the top of the snowflakes, they will pop from the paper. Use the same blue to fill in the area between your pierced dots and the edge.
Hint the longer you let the ink dry before you start this step, the less the shadow area around the snowflake (I just happened to want the shadow effect for this card).

Finally, use the pop-dots to attach the polar bear and use a glue dot to put the bow in place.

aaahhhh....all done for Day 10. See you tomorrow for Day 11!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sending the Advent Calendar on the Road - Day 9

Today's Advent card is a simple card, you just need to have a few supplies and it's quick to put together.

Provo Craft Cuttle Bug embossing Folder Sledding
Snowflake punches
Leaf Punch
Red Pom Poms (5mm)
Zots Adhesive Dots
Close to My Heart Colonial White Grosgrain Ribbon (z1126)
3"x2" Close to My Heart White Daisy CS (1385)
4"x5.5" Close to My Heart Dutch Blue CS (1241)
Close to My Heart Jingle B&T Duos Paper -- green side of presents for leaves (Level 2 Paper pack x7115B)
Chunky Glitter & snow glitter embossing powder for snowflakes
Close to My Heart Frosty Friends Stamp Set (D1073)
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Star Spangled Blue Ink Pad
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Markers: Holiday Red (z2327), Orange (z2338), Citrus Leaf (z2312), Clover Meadow (z2313)

Pop Dots

First, punch and glue chunky glitter to the larger snowflake and let dry while you punch and heat embossing powder on the smaller snowflakes (I used a sponge and VersaMark on the smaller snowflakes to adhere the embossing power before it was heat set); set aside. Punch leaves on Jingle Present paper (use the green side). Stamp and color your snow person.

Next, fold the card base (4"x5.5" Dutch Blue CS) in half and then emboss on the front half with the Cuttle Bug Sledding Folder.

Finally, arrange elements where you like, glue all into place -- use pop dots for the snowflakes.

A quick and simple card to send ♥

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Away At College Advent Card Day 8

Here we are up to day 8 of sending a card-a-day to my daughter (in her first year of college at PSU).

5.5" x 6" card base
Close to My Heart Chocolate (x5643) CS - 3"x6.5"
Close to My Heart Dutch Blue (1241) CS - 2"x6.5"
Close to My Heart Key Lime (1325) CS - 5/8"x6.5"
Close to My Heart Bamboo (1301) CS - 2.75"x2.75"
Green Dots paper (not from CTMH) - 2"x6.5" & 3"x3"
5/8" Red Grosgrain Ribbon 18" (depends on how much tails you want)
Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Cocoa Ink Pad (z2114)
Close to My Heart Winter Wonder Stamp Set (D1241)
Provo Craft Cuttle Bug embossing folder (Divine Swirls)
Fiskars Edge punch/embosser (I will have to find the name of this and update later)

1. Emboss the chocolate paper with the Swirls embossing folder.
2. Edge punch/emboss the longer green dots paper along one side.
3. Adhere the Dutch Blue CS to the card base
4. Adhere the green dots (with the decorative edge) overlapping the Dutch Blue (see picture)
5. Adhere the Key Lime CS on top of that (see picture)
6. Adhere the embossed Chocolate CS matching edges and leaving about 1/8" of Key Lime CS showing
7. Stamp Winter sleds stamp on Bamboo CS, attach to the center of the 3"x3" square of green dots paper, and then attach the set to the lower left side of the card
8. Tie ribbon into a bow and use a glue dot to attach the button to the center of the bow
9. Use a couple glue dots to attach the bow to the upper right side of the card

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Advent Card a day continues - Day 7

Day 7 on our Advent Adventure through the mail.

(I liked the rough look of the bow on the in person version, strange how different it looks in a picture)

You all get to see the cards a little earlier than my daughter as I have to make sure I create them and then send them off in the mail for my her to receive them by the correct day. :

Sooooo, here we are -- up to Monday's card. Shipped off today.

I just love the little Elf set --- so yup, I used it again for today's card. However, there are 4 elves to choose from so we have a different elf this time.

(here is the inside of the card and a close up of the cute little elf)

Close to My Heart Stamp sets:
Merry Pursuits (B1313)
Holiday Jingle (C1371)

Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Ink Pads:
Holiday Red (Z2127)
Cocoa (Z2114)

Close to My Heart Exclusive Inks Markers:
Clover Meadow (Z2313)
Citrus Leaf (Z2312)
Hydrangea (Z2329)
Star Spangled Blue (Z2349)
Bamboo (Z2303)
Sunny Yellow (z2352)
Holiday Red (Z2327)
Orange (Z2338)

Close to My Heart Designer Ribbon Rounds - Organza Ribbon in New England Ivy (Z811)

Close to My Heart Card Stock and B&T Duos Papers
Holiday Red CS (1274)
Vanilla Cream CS (x5646)
Chocolate CS (x5643)
Emporium B&T Duos

6.5" x 5" card base (I have a bunch of these I bought at Michaels or A.C. Moore some time ago)
Marvy Uchida Square Punch 1-3/8" opening
Gold decorative wired ribbon (I am using ribbon that I've had hiding around -- I only just last Christmas received my ribbon holder so I can see and use my ribbons, LOL)

Hmmmmm...much harder to describe the card when you have already shipped it off, LOL, but I was a little busy this morning and didn't get a chance to get to the computer. So, if I forget something, just leave me a comment and it will probably jog my memory. :)

Cut the B&T Duo Paper to 6.5" x 5" attach to card base, and then sponge all four sides with the Chocolate ink. Use the Punch to cut opening in top portion of card.

Sponge edges of Holiday Red CS with the Chocolate Ink then glue a length of the organza ribbon wrapping around to the back edges to secure in place and keep the ribbon edges hidden, then glue set to face of card, about 3/8" to 1/2" from the left edge.

Stamp Jingle on the Vanilla Cream CS, attach to the Chocolate CS, then attach both to lower portion of card face (about 3/8" from bottom edge and 1/4" from right side).

With the card closed lightly use a pencil to mark the corners of the window area onto the inside of the card. Open the card and stamp the elf in the area you just marked. Color desired colors.

Attach a bow to the front and you're done! ♥

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sending the Advent Calendar on the Road - Day 5 & 6

So here we are -- day 5 of the new form of Advent calendar -- the kind we send to our kids instead of opening with them, since they have moved on in life and are away at college.

My daughter has her finals the Week of the 14th with her very last final at 4:30 on Friday the 18th...

...So, I will send her a card a day (two on the weekend since there is no mail on Sunday) right up until the day we collect her from her dorm.

Day 5 in the series is this Snowflake card. I just love snowflakes and have collected snowflake items since I can't remember when. I have snowflake stampers, snowflake punches and even snowflake wrapping paper.

• Close to My Heart Snowflake Kisses stamp set (CTMH product #C1327)
• Martha Stewart Snowflake around the page punch set
• 3 different size snowflakes punches; I've collected over the years so I don't know if they are still available or not
• Close to My Heart Black Grosgrain Ribbon (CTMH product #Z1101)
• Close to My Heart Bamboo Card Stock (CTMH product #1301)
• Close to My Heart Dutch Blue Card Stock (CTMH product #1241)
• Sparkle snow embossing powder
• Chunky glitter
• glue dots
• adhesive

Cut the Bamboo Card Stock to 5 x 5 and the Dutch Blue to 4 x 4. Punch all the edges of the bamboo using the "around the page" punch set, starting in each of the 4 corners and then the center fold before finishing up on each of the edges. Punch out and emboss or glitter your snowflakes, let dry while you glue your Dutch Blue to the center area of the card. Arrange your snowflakes but don't fasten down until you decide where you want to place the greeting. Use pop dot dimensionals to adhere the snowflakes. Tie ribbon in a knot or bow and attached with glue dots.

Day 6 of the Away-at-College Advent calendar...

• Close to My Heart Chocolate Card Stock (X5643) -- cut one piece 6" x 12", score and fold in half; cut a second piece 3"x3"
• Close to My Heart Vanilla Cream Card Stock (X5646) - cut 2.5" x 2.5"
• Left over various green card stock and decorative papers (I've had them a while so I don't even know if they have a name, but are similar in color to the CTMH Key Lime CS) the solid CS cut @ 2"x6" and the decorative paper cut at 5.5"x5.5"
• Ribbon by Chatter Box -- 7" plus 4"
• Close to My Heart Jingle Boarders Stamp Set (D1225) -- for the saying
• Close to My Heart Merry Pursuits Stamp Set (B1313) -- for the elf
• Close to My Heart Citrus Leaf Exclusive Inks Marker ((z2312)
• Close to My Heart Clover Meadow Exclusive Inks Marker (Z2313)
• Close to My Heart Holiday Red Exclusive Inks Marker (Z2327)
• Close to My Heart Bamboo Exclusive Inks Marker (Z2303)
• Close to My Heart Citrus Leaf Exclusive Inks Ink Pad (Z2112)
• Close to My Heart Cocoa Exclusive Inks Ink Pad (Z2114)
• Close to My Heart Ponderosa Pine Exclusive Inks Ink Pad (Z2145)
• Stipple brush
• Fiskars Threading Water Edge punch
• adhesive

Stamp elf on the Vanilla Cream CS and color in features with Exclusive Inks Markers, stipple the edges with the Citrus Leaf. Attach to the smaller chocolate CS. Punch one edge of the decorative green paper with the Threading water edge punch and glue to center of the Chocolate CS card base. Glue the 7" piece of ribbon to the 2"x6" green CS folding the ends behind to hide. Tie the smaller piece of ribbon in a knot around the now attached 7" piece and glue set down towards left edge of card leaving a little decorative paper peek out the side. Glue elf Vanilla/chocolate set in place. Use masking technique to stamp the words from Jingle boarders set below the elf.

The first card I put in a standard A2 envelope, the second one was too big so I had to make an envelope. Remember square cards cost more to mail because there is no specific directionality so they don't go through the postal system automatically. I generally try to use rectangular cards even when mailing square cards. Makes it easier for the post and doesn't cost extra. :)

See you tomorrow for the next card...

What to do about the Advent Calendar?

The yearly count down to Christmas comes with changes in our house. It reminds me in an odd way of the John Lennon song Happy Christmas (War Is Over).

So this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young...

For me though, ...not the war is over, but childhood has slipped by and moved us into a new phase of for which I wasn't quite ready to embrace.

With our only daughter off to college for her first year, our traditions are changing.

You hang on to dear memories past and try as you might to hold back time -- you can't. You must move forward as you enter a new season in life, for if you don't -- it will move forward without you.

So, what does one do about the advent calendar? The cherished memories of you and your young together opening the next door on the Advent tree to pull out the secret little notes to read together, or maybe yours was opening a little window in a book or paper calendar, or perhaps a new treat each day...

How do you keep traditions from slipping away and help your new fledgling feel a part of the customary Christmas celebrations of the past?

To help our daughter stay part of the "old" traditions and yet move on to new ones this year, I decided to make a new card everyday she is away. I will send each one to her so that way she will have something new to open every day (just like the advent calendar). I will have something to create every day (a new way to help connect me to my geographically distant daughter). Together we will know that we are sharing that same something special in a new way. Who knows, maybe this will be a new tradition that will carry us on into the future and to her children.

Since today is already the 3rd, I sent off 3 cards; then I realized....she wasn't getting them on the days they were meant for...hmmmmm -- new tactic...create and send the cards earlier, LOL.

Day 1 Sleigh
Day 2 Dancing Santa
Day 3 Family of Deer

Day 4 Penguin shaker card

From today on I will be posting the cards I make to send to her. Hope you enjoy following along.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas gift time: Creating a Purse with My Cricut!

Wow! Cricut is an amazing little friend. :) Isn't this just an adorable purse! Perfect for holding a gift card!

This is such a cute purse I made for my Grandniece for Christmas. It will hold a nice gift card or some pretend lipstick for her and she can play with it on Christmas day it's not just a gift box. She is such a girly-girl...she'll just love it! ♥

Supplies used:
• Walk in My Garden Cricut Cartridge for the Butterfly (Butterfly1 pg 115, #34 if you number your buttons like I do)
• Tags, Bag, Boxes & More Cricut Cartridge for the Purse (purse2 pg 118, #37 if you number your buttons like me)
• 8" 1/2" wide ribbon
• Foam flower
Stickles in black, blue, and purple
• Cardstock and decorative or textures paper
• Magnet
• Adhesive

1. Set your Cricut on Fit to Page to cut the purse (It comes out to around 5" or so)
2. Cut out the butterfly to a size you want or that looks good with your purse (mine is about 2" -- remember that's the height, not the width)
3. Decorate the wings, body and antenna with the Stickles and leave to dry (an hour or two) While that is drying move on to the next parts.

(Here's a close up of the butterfly after it's dry -- it looks soooo much better in person, LOL)

4. For the front flap, I just traced the top edge of the flap (didn't want to waste the whole paper just for the flap to have Cricut do it)
5. Glued in place with my ATG gun (my new favorite sticky toy, LOL)
6. Then, used the black Stickles to trim the edge
7. Next, glue the foam flower to the center to look like a button....

8. Cut a strip of matching decorative paper for the band towards the bottom -- 1/2" wide (I cut it 5" then lightly marked where to cut before I glued in place)
9. Make sure your butterfly is dry then use some pop dots and put it on the band at an angle or however you like.

10. Now, it's time to put the ribbon handle on -- so nice of the Cricut to cut little holes for you to place the ribbon through. You can tie the ribbon in knots to keep it from pulling out or you can use your adhesive to glue it in place (depends on the look you want).

11. Finally glue the magnet to the inside of the flap and line up the matching piece on the front of the purse to help it stay closed. Works like a charm. :)

Ta-da! The perfect gift card holder and for the girly-girls a great little purse to tote around on Christmas day!